Be sure not to reveal private information to the wrong individuals. Your colorful conversation may attract new mates. 绝不要将私人信息透露给不合适的人。有趣的谈话可能会给你带来新的朋友。
Put differently, if a ( quasi) private sector solution was in the offing this past weekend, then Mr Paulson and Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, invited the wrong financiers. 换句话说,如果说在上周末,一个(准)私营部门解决方案正在酝酿之中,那么保尔森和纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)行长蒂莫西•加斯内(TimothyGeithner)找错了求助对象。
They also say the small dosimeters that some private citizens use to measure radiation can give a wrong reading. 他们还表示,民众个人使用的测量辐射的小型原子能辐射计可能会给出错误的读数。
There arose private schools devoted to the teaching of "female virtues", including the principle that women must obey their husbands unconditionally even when the latter are wrong. 最近兴起的一些私人学校致力于教导妇德,包括无条件服从丈夫,即使他们是错的。
It has much theoretical value to differentiate between the dangerous act and the private wrong in the joint dangerous actions. 对共同危险行为作危险行为与害行为的区分具有重要的理论意义;
This system is still excellent even in the point view of modern private international law. However, modern researchers always tramp in the times illusion, and understand in the wrong way. 这种制度即使以现代国际私法的标准来看也是非常先进的,但现代学者却往往陷入某种时代错觉,对其产生了种种误读。